The term 'Pasture Improvement' is commonly used to describe re-sowing of pastures. There are many different activities such as applying lime or fertiliser that improve pasture performance but here the term will be discussed meaning the above.
When developing a grazing property the rate of pasture improvement is normally quite slow. This is because the property will be stocked and most paddocks will be committed to feeding those stock, allowing only a small area can be sown in any year. The process is also quite expensive which is a major limitation for most farmers. The planning cycle is quite long and the first weed control spray or cultivation needs to happen 2 - 3 years before pasture sowing.
Livestock grazing plays an important role in the pasture improvement process. Grazing is even more important when wet seasonal conditions are experienced and weed growth is greater. Pastures establish very slowly and in a dry establishment year there is often very little grazing achieved in that year.
An extensive pasture improvement program may be rolled out as follows:
Farm inspection and some basic mapping.
Soil testing and agronomy program developed.
Prepare a development plan with timeline of operations and likely costs (for paddocks involved).
Prepare a plan to get the livestock needed to utilize the extra feed grown.
Coordinate grazing, sprays, lime, fertilizer, sowing for grazing crops (Yr 1, Yr 2?) and new pasture in Yr 2 or 3.
Monitor pests & weeds during pasture establishment year and arrange sprays as required.