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Whether looking to expand or to purchase the first farm, clients are guided to make the best decision. Our role is to provide an independent viewpoint encourage clients to step back and consider farms without bias. Our advice is direct and clear to ensure that any purchase decision is based on facts and that expectations are realistic.

Advice is provided on the physical attributes of the farm such as soil quality, apparent fertility, pasture quality, weeds, pests, water supply, erosion and drainage. Information is also provided on the quality of the built structures such as fences, roads, yards and sheds, as they relate to the likely operation of a farm.


Advice is also provided on enterprise suitability such as regarding livestock types and cropping options. Production constraints are discussed such fertiliser and lime history, water supply, stock yards and infrastructure, drainage and issues likely to affect animal health (ie: liver fluke in wet areas). Budgets can be prepared to evaluate likely enterprises, development options and risk scenarios.

















If NSW Land Tax is an issue for you the first step is to discuss the matter with your accountant. If needed, a business plan can be prepared to support an application for Land Tax exemption.



Farm dwellings are not normally inspected as we are not qualified in that area. Information should be sought however on the value of non-agricultural buildings, as that will be key in determining the agricultural value of the property. Important ratios can then be calculated such as (asking price) $ /DSEs (expected to be carried). 

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